
The assurances provided by the ministry of home affairs, the CPS told the court, are plainly sufficient to meet the concerns raised by Modi’s team.


vivek delhi

The document goes on to specifically address points raised and cited video footage of the jail and other submissions as evidence:

Overcrowding: Barrack No. 12 has two cells, with a maximum capacity of six inmates (per cell). The RP (requested person) would be provided a minimum of 3 square meters of personal space throughout the course of his detention. The video of the cell amply demonstrates availability of sufficient space.

Heat, noise and lack of privacy: This is not accepted. Barrack No. 12 has adequate space, which ensures privacy. The cell is well ventilated and provides adequate air circulation and the concern about heat is unfounded. There is no noise in the cell which is separated from its surroundings by at least 20 feet by way of thick high stone walls.

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