
” Yoga transcends all spheres”- International yoga day Celebrated at Santhigiri Ashram



Santhigiri Ashram General Secretary Swami Gururethnam Jnana Thapaswi delivering the inaugural address

Pothencode (Thiruvananthapuram): Just as heritage, tradition, and treatment transcend politics, so should yoga, stated Swami Gururetnam Jnana Thapaswi, General Secretary of Santhigiri Ashram. He was speaking at the inauguration of the International Yoga Day celebrations held at the Ashram’s Research Zone Auditorium.

Swami Gururetnam Jnana Thapaswi remarked that in the modern era, people are overwhelmed by the busyness in all aspects of life. In the intense rush to survive, what is often lost is health. Yoga revitalizes both the body and the mind. By recognizing its importance in daily life and making time for it, health can be regained, he stated. He also praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his commendable role in promoting yoga, noting that International Yoga Day has elevated India’s prestige.

Guru Yogi Shivan, Managing Director of Indimasi Healing Village, was the chief guest. International yoga trainer M. Anandavalli and Yogaachariya K. Krishnan Nair were honored at the event.

The event, presided by Dr. J. Ninapriya, was attended by Mahila Congress State Secretary Deepa Anil, BJP District Treasurer M. Balamurali, Manickal Grama Panchayath Welfare Standing Committee Chairperson R. Saheerath Bheevi, M.P. Pramod, K. Vijayakumar, Sheeja N., and Dr. D. Krishnapriya. As part of the International Yoga Day celebrations, a mass yoga session was held from 6:30 am. Students from Santhigiri Siddha Medical College added charm to the event with their performances, which combined various yoga postures with dance.

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